Friday, January 17, 2014

'Smart' toothbrush grades your brushing habits

I cannot really endorse this toothbrush because I have not seen, tested it myself.  However, there is a toothbrush made by oral B, their top of the line "Precision 5000" that I do endorse, and use it personally. The cool thing about it, and the similarities to the toothbrush w/ a smartphone app, is that there is a nice timer/clock, that syncs via bluetooth to the brush.  As soon as you switch on the toothbrush, the timer starts, and if you turn off the toothbrush (to spit/whatever) the timer stops momentarily, unless you leave it off for a good 30 seconds.

Besides this nifty timer, the toothbrush and timer also warn you when you are using too much pressure/brushing too hard.  Because I think this is one of the best brushes on the market, we sell it at my office for a good 20% less than retail stores.

Creating Confident Smiles
416 N. Bedford drive, suite 409
Beverly Hills, CA  90210

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